My contribution in computational and applied mathematics lies in devising and analyzing innovative numerical methods and mathematical models for multiscale phenomena appearing in engineering and life science problems. My primary tools are partial differential equations, finite element methods, domain decomposition techniques, and numerical and asymptotic analysis. I am also interested in the implementation of numerical algorithms underlying multiscale numerical methods for the new generation of massively parallel architectures. Such research topics led me to publish more than sixty scientific articles (in the highest impact journals and international congresses dedicated to the computational and applied mathematical field) and book chapters in collaboration with researchers from different countries. Also, I have (co-)advised a dozen of Ph.D. students and postdoctoral in Brazil and overseas and received funding within international cooperation projects.
I hold a senior researcher position at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing - LNCC currently in Brazil where I lead the Department of Computational and Mathematical Methods. Also, I hold an INRIA International Chair from 2018 to 2022, and I am a member of the applied mathematics board of the National Science Foundation (CNPq) in Brazil. My contribution to the development of numerical algorithms for high-performance computing led me to serve as LNCC's coordinator of the Brazil-European Community Project on High-Performance Computing for Energy (HPC4E) and be part of the scientific board of the most advanced super-computing center in Latin America, which is located at LNCC and houses the Santos Dumont petaflop supercomputer.