Antônio Tadeu Azevedo Gomes

Short bio

Antônio Tadeu A. Gomes is a researcher at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), Brazil. He is head of the Innovative Parallel numErical Solvers (IPES) Research Group, executive officer of the Brazilian National System for High-Performance Computing (SINAPAD), and coordinator of the Steering Committee of the Santos Dumont supercomputing facility (SDumont). He is also the current deputy coordinator of the LNCC's Graduate Program in Computational Modeling (PPG-LNCC). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil, in 2005. His main interests are in the broad area of systems modeling, encompassing networked systems, distributed systems, numerical simulation systems, high-performance computing systems, and machine learning systems. He is particularly interested in the investigation of software architecture techniques that tame the tension between programming productivity, performance optimization, and parallel computing in the development of scientific software. He is the main software architect of the MHM Set of Software Libraries (MSL) for implementing multiscale numerical simulators. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). He was recipient of the productivity research award PQ-2 from the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq) from 2010 to 2018.

Selected Publications

For a constantly updated list of all my publications, please check my CV Lattes. I'm also engaged in ResearchGate and ORCID.

  1. Barrenechea, G.R.; Gomes, A.T.A.; Paredes, D. A Multiscale hybrid method. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), 2024.

  2. Gomes, A.T.A.; Pereira, W.S.; Valentin, F. The MHM Method for Linear Elasticity on Polytopal Meshes. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2022.

  3. Giusti, L.; Carvalho, L.; Gomes, A.T.A.; Coutinho, R.; Soares, J.; Ogasawara, E. Analyzing flight delay prediction under concept drift. Evolving Systems. 2022.

  4. Ocanã, K.A.C.S.; Galheigo, M.; Osthoff, C.; Gadelha, L.M.R.; Porto, F.; Gomes, A.T.A.; De Oliveira, D.; Vasconcelos, A.T. BioinfoPortal: A scientific gateway for integrating bioinformatics applications on the Brazilian national high-performance computing network. Future Generation Computer Systems. v. 107, p. 192-214, 2020.

  5. Gitler, I.; Gomes, A.T.A.; Nesmachnow, S. The Latin American supercomputing ecosystem for science. Communications of the ACM, v.63, p.66-71, 2020.

  6. GOMES, A.T.A.; MOLION, E.; SOUTO, R.P.; MEHAUT, J.F. Memory allocation anomalies in high-performance computing applications: A study with numerical simulations. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. p. cpe.6094, 2020.

  7. Oliveira, A.T.; Martins, B.J.C.A.; Moreno, M.F.; Gomes, A.T.A.; Ziviani, A; Vieira, A.B. SDN‐based architecture for providing quality of service to high‐performance distributed applications. International Journal of Network Management. p.e2078, 2019.

  8. PENNA, P.; GOMES, A. T. A.; CASTRO, M.; PLENTZ, P.; FREITAS, H.; BROQUEDIS, F.; MEHAUT, J.F. A comprehensive performance evaluation of the BinLPT workload-aware loop scheduler. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. p. e5170, 2019.

  9. PASZYNSKI, MACIEJ ; AZEVEDO GOMES, ANTÔNIO TADEU . A wrapper around parallel MUMPS solver to reduce its memory usage and execution time for finite element method computations. PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE, v. 108, p. 838-847, 2017.

  10. Bastos, B. F. ; BRAGA, R. M. ; Gomes, A. T. A. . WISP: A pattern-based approach to the interchange of scientific workflow specifications. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience. p. e3851, 2017.

  11. Vivas, José Luis ; Brasileiro, Francisco ; Barros, Abmar ; Farias da Silva, Giovanni ; Nóbrega Jr, Marcos ; Neto, Francisco Germano de Araújo ; Blanquer, Ignacio ; Torres, Erik ; Aloisio, Giovanni ; Badia, Rosa M. ; Lezzi, Daniele ; Gomes, Antonio Tadeu A. ; Cala, Jacek ; Julia de Lima, Maria ; Ururahy, Cristina . EUBrazilCC Federated Cloud:. Developing Interoperable and Federated Cloud Architecture. 1ed.: IGI Global, 2016, v. , p. 220-251.

  12. GOMES, A. T. A., Bastos, Bruno F., MEDEIROS, VIVIAN, MOREIRA, VINICIUS M. Experiences of the Brazilian national high-performance computing network on the rapid prototyping of science gateways. Concurrency and Computation. , v.27/2, p.271 - 289, 2014.

  13. ZIVIANI, A.; CARDOZO, T.B.; GOMES, A.T.A. Rapid prototyping of active measurement tools. Computer Networks, v.56, p.870 - 883, 2012.

  14. GOMES, ANTÔNIO T.A., Paredes, Diego, Valentin, Frédéric. Supporting the Perpetuation and Reproducibility of Numerical Method Publications. Procedia Computer Science. , v.4, p.688 - 696, 2011.

  15. CASTELUCIO, A.; GOMES, A. T. A.; ZIVIANI, A.; SALLES, R. M. Intra-domain IP traceback using OSPF. Computer Communications, v. 35(5), p. 554-564, 2010.

  16. GOMES, A. T. A. ; ZIVIANI, A. ; LIMA, L. S. ; ENDLER, M. . Service discovery approaches to mobile peer-to-peer computing. In: Boon-Chong Seet. (Org.). Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing for Next Generation Distributed Environments: Advancing Conceptual and Algorithmic Applications. Hersey, PA - EUA: IGI Publishing, 2009, v. , p. 437-459.

  17. GOMES, A. T. A. ; ZIVIANI, A. ; LIMA, L. S. ; ENDLER, M. . Performance Evaluation of a Discovery and Scheduling Protocol for Multihop Ad Hoc Mobile Grids. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, v. 15, p. 15-30, 2009.

  18. GOMES, A. T. A. ; BATISTA, T. V. ; JOOLIA, A. ; COULSON, G. . Architecting Dynamic Reconfiguration in Dependable Systems. In: Rogério de Lemos; Cristina Gacek; Alexander Romanovsky. (Org.). Architecting Dependable Systems. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007, v. , p. 237-261.

  19. ZIVIANI, A. ; GOMES, A. T. A. ; MONSORES, M. L. ; RODRIGUES, P. S. S. . Network Anomaly Detection using Nonextensive Entropy. IEEE Communications Letters, v. 11, p. 1034-1036, 2007.

  20. COLCHER, S. ; GOMES, A. T. A. ; SILVA, A. O. ; SOUZA, G. L. ; SOARES, L. F. G. . VoIP: Voz sobre IP. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Campus Elsevier, 2005. v. 1. 308 p.

  21. COULSON, G. ; BLAIR, G. S. ; HUTCHISON, D. ; JOOLIA, A. ; LEE, K. ; UEYAMA, J. ; GOMES, A. T. A. ; YE, Y. . NETKIT: a software component-based approach to programmable networking. Computer Communication Review, Nova Iorque, v. 33, n. 5, p. 55-66, 2003.

Selected projects

For a constantly updated list of all my projects, please check my CV Lattes. I'm also engaged in ResearchGate.

  1. EOLIS: Efficient Off-LIne numerical Strategies for multi-query problems
    Sponsor: CAPES/Math-AmSud / Status: Ongoing

  2. INCT-MACC 2: National Institute of Science and Technology in Medicine Assisted by Scientific Computing - Phase 2
    Sponsors: CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPESP / Status: Ongoing

  3. PADEF: Parallelization, Applicability, Performance and Accuracy Analysis of Finite-Element Simulators
    Sponsors: CENPES-PETROBRAS / Status: Finished

  4. HPC4e: High-Performance Computing for Energy
    Sponsors: CTIC-RNP, EU / Status: Finished

  5. CICN: Cloud Computing Innovation Center
    Sponsor: FINEP / Status: Finished

  6. HOMAR: High performance Multiscale Algorithms for wave pRopagation problems
    Sponsors: FAPERJ, INRIA / Status: Finished

  7. EUBrazilCloudConnect: EU-Brazil Cloud infrastructure Connecting federated resources for Scientific Advancement
    Sponsors: CNPq, EU / Status: Finished

  8. HOSCAR: High performance cOmputing and SCientific dAta management dRiven by highly demanding applications
    Sponsors: CNPq, INRIA / Status: Finished

  9. INCT-MACC: National Institute of Science and Technology in Medicine Assisted by Scientific Computing
    Sponsors: CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPESP, FAPEMIG / Status: Finished

  10. GT-MC2: My Scientific Cloud Working Group
    Sponsor: RNP / Status: Finished

Teaching and Advising

I'm currently a lecturer and advisor at the graduate course on computational modeling (master and doctoral levels) at LNCC.


  1. GA-024: Data Structures and Applications
    Since 2008

  2. GA-031: Architecture, Design and Implementation of Software-Intensive Systems
    Since 2010

  3. GB-500: Object-Oriented Programming for Finite-Element Methods


  1. Haron Calegari Fanticelli
    Analysing and predicting human mobility with small data.
    Doctorate (ongoing).

  2. João Pedro Macleure Nunes dos Santos
    Analysing the behavior of HPC users facing changes in supercomputing scheduling policies.
    Master (ongoing).

  3. Larissa Miguez da Silva
    Machine learning applied to MHM-based surrogate models.
    Doctorate (ongoing).

  4. Caroline de Oliveira Costa Souza Rosa
    Framework for modeling and mining patient pathways based on complex networks.
    Doctorate (finished).

  5. Diego Volpatto
    Parallel implementation of stabilized dual hybrid mixed finite element simulators.
    Doctorate (finished).

  6. Juan Humberto Leonardo Fabián
    NAZCA: a machine learning based framework for performance prediction and configuration recommendation of multiscale numerical simulations.
    Doctorate (finished).

  7. Weslley Pereira
    Parallel implementation of multiscale finite element methods for elastic wave problems.
    Doctorate (finished).

  8. Franklin Zillmer
    Use of actor model for distributed numerical simulations.
    Doctorate (finished).

  9. Bruno Fernando Bastos
    A pattern-based approach to the interchange of scientific workflow specifications.
    Master (finished).

  10. Vivian Medeiros
    Use of architectural concepts for enhancing the expressiveness in scientific workflow modeling.
    Master (finished).

  11. Iuri Malinoski Teixeira
    Automatic synthesis of graphical user interfaces for health information systems.
    Master (finished).

  12. Luciana dos Santos Lima
    A resource discovery and selection protocol for ad hoc mobile grids.
    Doctorate (finished).

Personal interests

I'm a marathon (PR 04h03m41s) and half-marathon (PR 01h46m32s) runner.

I'm also a master (42+) handball player.