Adaptivity in fluid-structure systems
Claudio Padra
Atomic Centro - Bariloche
Abstract: In this work an efficient computational tool is presented to calculate
the modes and frequencies of resonance for a fluid-structure system. The
solution by the finite element methods of such problems produces an
error that should be analyzed. It is necessary to be able to detect
automatically the areas in which the error is big and refine the mesh to
obtain a better approximation. The definition of appropriate a
posteriori error estimators becomes the main problem, and is necessary
to obtain mathematical proof to exhibit the good behavior of them.
The error estimators for three different eigenvalue problems are
presented, and they are equivalent to the error up to higher order
terms. The problems that we will consider are the vibrations of: 1) an
elastic structure; 2) the fluid inside a rigid cavity; and 3) an
elastic structure with fluids in their interior.
For the fluid we chose the displacement field as unknown, and the
Raviart-Thomas elements are used, since they don't produces spurious
eigenvalues and they have good optimal order of convergence.