CV of Alexandre L. Madureira
Brief Summary: I'm a senior researcher at
Laboratório Nacional de Computação
Científica-LNCC, a research lab in Brazil. I also work at the Escola Brasileira de Economia e Finanças-EPGE at Fundação Getúlio Vargas-FGV, the top Brazilian think tank. I recently took part in the ICERM two month program Numerical PDEs: Analysis, Algorithms, and Data Challenges (thanks, NSF). I also spent a Sabbatical year at The Division of Applied Mathematics, at Brown University, during the academic year 2015-2016.
I served as the head of the scientific committee of the CMAC-SE (2015), and I'm a member of the scientific committee of the ENAMA - both are important Brazilian meetings on pure and applied mathematics. Since 2012 I am serving at the editorial board of the International Journal of Computer Mathematics, and also at TEMA - Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, a journal of main Brazilian society in applied mathematics - SBMAC. I was editor (Chief Editor 2015-2019; Associate Editor 2013-2015) for the Notas em Matemática Aplicada, a book series published by the SBMAC. In 2010 and 2012 I was the main editor of the proceedings of the CNMAC, the main Brazilian meeting in computational and applied mathematics. Such meeting gather around 600 people from all over the country, and around 500 papers are submitted for publication in a single year.
I was a "Pesquisador do CNPq" (2005-2017, 2019-2021). In 2009 I received a prestigious three year FAPERJ grant "Rio de Janeiro young researcher," and I take the opportunity to acknowledge the long term support from the funding agencies CNPq and FAPERJ.
In 2008 I took part in
the New Directions
ShortCourse: Mathematical Neuroscience, sponsored by
the IMA, which I gratefully
I was quite happy to be invited
to deliver short courses at two important Brazilian conferences, the ENAMA II - National Conference on mathematical
Analysis and Applications (2008), and the 62o. SBA - Seminário brasileiro
de Análise (2005). In both I talked about numerical discretization for
multiscale problems. I thank the organizers for the kind invitations. In 2004 I was also invited to become a
reviewer for the
Mathematical Reviews of
the American Mathematical
Society-AMS. I was
very pleased that I received an award from Elsevier-SIAM to attend
the 50th SIAM Anniversary and
Annual Meeting in 2002. This grant has been awarded to only five people
within the "outreach" countries.
I completed my Ph.D. at the
PennState University, Department of
Mathematics. During my Ph.D., I worked under the supervision
of Douglas Arnold, in the
analysis of dimension reduction techniques. Then I took a NSF-Postdoc position at
the Mathematical Science Research
Institute-MSRI, where I took part at
Elastic Shells: Modeling, Analysis and Numerics. That was just before I
held another postdoc position at LNCC.
In 2002 I was offered a permanent position.
From 2009-2017, I was the head of the LNCC Library's Comittee. I also served two,
nonconsecutive, two year terms as the chair of
the Department
of Applied and Computational Mathematics, (2003-2004 and 2009-2011). I
was the vice-chair from 2007-2009.
From 1999-2001, Frédéric
Valentin and I took care of the
Applied Mathematics Department
homepage at LNCC. We also managed
the seminars
of the
institute up to 2002.
You can also browse my Lattes CV (in Portuguese).
- Ph.D. in Mathematics at The Pennsylvania State University, USA,
August 1999
- M.Sc. Mathematics and Scientific Computation, Universidade
Federal do Rio de janeiro, Brazil, July 1992
- Advisor: Leopoldo P. Franca
- Thesis Title: On the Development and Analyses of Stabilized
Finite Element Methods for Fluids
- B.Sc. in Computer Science, Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, December 1989
- Final Paper Advisor: Paulo Roberto G. Bordoni
- Final Paper: Schrodinger Equations and Laser Beams
- Postdoctoral:
- Jemy Mandujano Valle (2020-) does research in inverse problems applied to neuroscience
- Karine Guimarães (2015-2017) investigated Neuro-psychiatry modeling (Daniele Madureira was the main advisor). She is now a postdoc at Universidade de São Paulo.
- D.Sc.:
- Jemy Mandujano Valle DSc. thesis work involved numerical methods for inverse problems for PDEs in neuroscience. Antonio Leitão from UFSC was a co-advisor. Jemy is now a postdoc at LNCC.
- Karine Guimarães DSc. thesis research involved Computational Modeling in Neuro-psychiatry (PDF in
Portuguese), and Daniele Madureira was the main advisor. She is now a postdoc at Universidade de São Paulo.
- Ana Carolina Carius Doctoral studies involved numerical methods and models for heterogeneous plates (PDF in
Portuguese). She graduated in 2012, and holds a position at the Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ).
- Manuel Barreda investigated numerical methods for nonlinear
multiscale problems for his doctoral studies
(PDF in
Portuguese). He graduated in 2009, and
holds a position at the Math Department at the Universidade Federal do
- M.Sc.:
- In Franklin Da Conceicao De Barros master's dissertation (PDF in English), a special class of finite element methods for multiscale problems is developed and analysed. Frédéric Valentin was a co-advisor.
- Jemy Mandujano Valle master's dissertation (PDF in Portuguese) work involved numerical methods for inverse problems for PDEs in neuroscience. Antonio Leitão from UFSC was a co-advisor. Jemy is now a postdoc at LNCC.
- Marcos Teixeira de Souza master's dissertation work regards neural population models (PDF in
- Ana Claudia Valentim completed her master's dissertation on stochastic numerical models in neuroscience (PDF in
Portuguese). Hugo de la Cruz from FGV was a co-advisor.
- Ana Carolina Carius did her master's thesis on hierarchical modeling of
heterogeneous plates (PDF in
Portuguese). She holds a position at the Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ).
- Undergraduate:
- I advise Otávio Bopp (FGV), on discrimination aspects of AI.
- I advise Otávio Bopp (FGV), on mathematical aspects in economics.
- I advised Perla Rocha (FGV), on epidemic modeling (2020).
- I advised both Pedro Oliveira Pinheiro (2010) and Matheus Rinaldi (2012) in a short internship. Both came from France to work on numerical methods in neuroscience.
- Wilson de Souza Fonseca (2008), an undergraduate student, worked on
neural modeling. Daniele Madureira was a co-advisor.
- High School:
- Fabrício Vilasbôas e Ingrid Nascimento (2006) were high-school students
that worked on basic aspects of neural modeling. This was a joint project
with Daniele Madureira and Paulo Vieira.
- Short Courses:
- Novas Direções em Elementos Finitos, Summer School, Departamento de
Matemática da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil,
- Modelagem Matemática e Computacional em Neurociência, LNCC Summer
School, 2009, 2010
- Introdução a Métodos Matemáticos e Numéricos em Neurociência, Summer
School, Departamento de
Matemática da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil,
- Análise e Métodos Numéricos em
EDPs com Múltiplas Escalas, Encontro Nacional de Análise Matemática e
Aplicações (ENAMA), João Pessoa,
2008. Slides: lecture
1, lecture
2, lecture 3.
- Métodos
numéricos inovadores para problemas em múltiplas escalas,
Summer School, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade
Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2006
- Métodos Numéricos
para Equações Diferenciais Parciais com Múltiplas
Escalas, 62o. SBA - Seminário brasileiro de Análise,
Brazil 2005. Slides.
- Introdução aos
Métodos Numéricos Multiescala, I Escola em Modelagem
Computacional Multiescala, LNCC, Brazil, 2005
- Multiscale Modelling in Materials and Structures, CNMAC, Brazil,
2004 (joint with Fernando Rochinha)
- Analysis, Numerical Methods, and
Applications of Multiscale Problems, University of Colorado at
Denver, USA, 2002
- The Poisson Problem in a
three-dimensional Plate, Università degli Studi di Pavia,
Italy, 2000
- One Quarter Graduates Courses:
- An introduction to mixed finite element methods, (LNCC, March-May 2021).
- Finite Element Methods, (LNCC, March-May 2020).
- Introduction to Mathematical Economics, (LNCC, June-September 2019).
- Risk Management, (FGV, April-June 2014). Joint with Daniela Glasman.
- Computational Methods in Finance, (FGV, January-March 2014). Joint with José Vicente.
- Finite Element Methods with Applications in Neuroscience, (LNCC, June-September 2013).
- Introduction to Neuroscience Modeling, (LNCC, March-May 2013).
- Ordinary Differential Equations, (LNCC, March-May 2012).
- Control of Partial Differential Equations, for graduate students, (LNCC,
July-September 2011). Joint with Gilberto Correa and Paulo Cesar Vieira
- Topics in Neuroscience, for graduate students, (LNCC,
July-September 2010). Joint with Daniele Madureira and Fábio Porto
- Real Analysis,
(FGV: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020;
LNCC: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011)
- Fundamental Mathematics, (FGV: 2017, 2018, 2019)
- Introduction to Analysis, (FGV: 2018, 2019, 2020)
- Introduction to measure theory, for graduate students,
(FGV: 2006, 2007)
- Asymptotic Analysis, for graduate students, LNCC, Spring 2005
- Analysis, Numerical Methods, and
Applications of Multiscale Problems, for D.Sc. students, LNCC,
Winter 2004
- Linear Algebra, for D.Sc. students,
(LNCC: 2002, 2003,
- Real Analysis II, for
D.Sc. students, FGV, Spring 2003. Joint with Samuela Pessoa.
- Functional Analysis, for D.Sc. students (some few lectures), LNCC,
Spring 2001
- One Semester Courses:
- Linear Algebra ,
for undergraduate students, PennState University, Spring 1999
- Numerical Analysis II (TA), for Ph.D. students, PennState
University, Spring 1999
- Numerical Analysis I (TA), for Ph.D. students, PennState
University, Fall 1998
- Ordinary Differential Equations
and Dynamical Systems , for senior undergraduates and
graduate students, PennState University, Summer 1998
- College Algebra, for undergraduate students, PennState
University, Spring 1998
- Pascal as a programming language, for graduate students,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Summer 1991
- Pascal as a programming language (Recitation and Grader), for
graduate students, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Summer 1990
- Linear Algebra (Recitation and Grader), for graduate students,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Summer 1989
- Faculty member of Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV, Brazil 2013-2015, 2017-present
- Researcher at the Laboratório Nacional de
Computação Científica - LNCC, Brazil 2002-present
- Postdoctoral position at the Laboratório Nacional de
Científica -LNCC (fellowship by CNPq), Brazil 1999-2002
- Postdoctoral position at the Mathematical Science Research
Institute-MSRI (fellowship by NSF), USA, January-June 2000
- Instituto Politécnico do Rio de Janeiro (full time
appointment), Brazil 1991-1992
- ICERM, US, March-April, 2024
- Brown University, US, Sabbatical year, 2015-2016
- Brown University, US, one week, October 2014
- University of Colorado at Denver, US, three months,
September-November 2002
- Universidad de Concepción, Chile, one week, December 2001
- Istituto di Analisi Numerica-IAN, of the Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche-CNR, Italy, three months, May-July 2001
- Istituto di Analisi Numerica-IAN, of the Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche-CNR, Italy, one month, July 2000
- Awards
- Beatriz Neves Award, from the Brazilian Computational and Applied
Mathematics Society-SBMAC, as the best undergraduate work
- Grants
- FAPERJ, Edital Apoio ao desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico regional no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (DCTR) - 2021 SEI-260003/009792/2021 (principal investigator), Modelagem multiescala e a COVID-19 no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Total value: R$18,760.00
- FAPERJ, Edital E_43/2021 - TERCEIRA CHAMADA EMERGENCIAL DE PROJETOS PARA COMBATER OS EFEITOS DA COVID - 2021 (principal investigator), Economia epidemiológica e modelagem computacional aplicadas a políticas públicas relacionadas à COVID-19 no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Total value: R$29,063.00
- CNPq, Bolsa de Produtividade em
Pesquisa, nível
ID (2011-2015), and nível II (2005-2008, 2008-2011, 2015-2017 and 2019-2021).
- FAPERJ, Edital Apoio a Pesquisa 2019 E-26/010.001941/2019 (sole investigator), Desenvolvimento e análise de métodos de elementos finitos híbridos de alto desempenho. Total value: R$26,901.00
- CNPq, Edital PDI - Tecnologia da
Informação 560108/2010-9 (principal investigator), Modelagem
Computacional em Neurociência: uma abordagem Multidisciplinar,
2011-2014. Total value: R$84,383.55
- FAPERJ, Edital Apoio a Bibliotecas
2009 E-26/110.850/2010 (principal investigator), ABLA -
Atualização do Acervo Bibliográfico do Laboratório Nacional de Computação
Científica, 2010. Total value: R$76,838.28
- FAPERJ, Programa Jovem Cientista do
Nosso Estado E-26/102.255/2009 (sole investigator), Problemas com
múltiplas escalas: modelagem, métodos numéricos e análise, 2010-2012. Total
value: R$64,800.00
- CNPq, Projeto Universal
474218/2008-2 (principal investigator), Modelagem, Métodos Numéricos
e Análise em Equações Diferenciais Parciais com Múltiplas Escalas,
2009-2011. Total value: R$14,500.00
- FAPERJ, Projeto APQ1
E-26/170.629/2006 (sole investigator), Análise e Modelagem de
Equações Diferenciais Parciais com Múltiplas Escalas, 2007-2008. Total
value: R$12,600.00
- CNPq, Projeto Universal
486026/2006-0 (sole investigator), Análise e Métodos de Elementos
Finitos Multiescala e de Galerkin Descontínuo para Equações Diferenciais
Parciais com Múltiplas Escalas, 2006-2008. Total value: R$10,000.00
- Elsevier and SIAM, to participate in the 50th SIAM Anniversary
and Annual Meeting, US, 2002. This grant has been awarded to only five
people within the "outreach" countries
- CNPq, with Frédéric Valentin (P.I.) to develop
study of PDEs in domains with rough boundary, Brazil 2002-2003
- FAPERJ, to develop research in hierarchical models, Brazil 2000
- SIAM (funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation -
NSF), to attend the Fourth ICIAM - International Conference in
Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Scotland 1999
- NATO and Personal grant of Professor Douglas N. Arnold, to
attend an International Advanced Study Institute, on Error Control and
Adaptivity in Scientific Computing, Turkey 1998
- Conference Organizers, to attend the International Conference
on Shells, Spain 1996
- Fellowships
- CNPq, visiting faculty at Brown University, 2015-2016
- CNPq, Postdoctoral position at the Laboratório Nacional
de Computação Científica under the Programa
de Capacitação Institucional 2001-2002
- National Science Foundation-NSF, Postdoctoral position at the
Mathematical Science Research Institute-MSRI, USA 2000
- CNPq, Postdoctoral position (Recém-Doutor) at the
Laboratório Nacional de Computação
Científica, 1999-2000
- Scholarships
- Mathematics Department of the Pennsylvania State University, to
work as a Teaching Assistant, 1998-1999
- Personal grant of Professor Douglas N. Arnold, to work as a
Research Assistant, Fall 1996, Spring and Fall 1997
- CNPq, Ph.D. Studies at the Mathematics Department of the
Pennsylvania State University, 1992-1996
- CNPq, M.Sc. Studies at the Departmento de Matemática da
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1990-1992
- CNPq, Undergraduate Scholarship to study Image Processing
(1987), Dynamical Systems (1988), and to take Graduate Courses in
Mathematics (1989)
- International Conference on Industrial Mathematics (plenary lecture), Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil 2018
- Workshop "Métodos Numéricos em EDPs", Petrópolis, Brazil 2017
- FLS-LNCC Workshop on Modelling Life Phenomena, Petrópolis, Brazil 2014
- First Brazil-France workshop on High performance computing and scientific data management driven by highly demanding applications, Petrópolis, Brazil 2012
- First Brazil-France workshop on High performance computing and scientific data management driven by highly demanding applications, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France 2012
- Fifth LNCC Meeting,
talk at the minisymposium Stabilized and Multi-Scale Finite Element Methods, Petrópolis, Brazil 2012
- IV Workshop em Modelagem Computacional da Difusão do Conhecimento,
Itacaré, Brazil 2010
- Simpósio de Equações Diferenciais, Departamento de Matemática da
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil 2010
- Workshop on Multiscale Analysis and Modeling, IM-UFRJ, Brazil 2010
- Third LNCC Meeting, Brazil 2008
- Simpósio de Equações Diferenciais, Programa de Verão 2008, Departamento
de Matemática da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil 2008
- PreCilamce Workshop: Stabilized and Multiscale Finite Element Methods
(co-organizer), LNCC, Brazil 2005
- VI Franco-Chilean Conference of Applied Mathematics, Santiago,
Chile 2001
- Jornadas de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional-JMAC VII
(co-organizer), held at the Laboratório Nacional de
Computação Científica-LNCC, Brazil 2001
- First IPRJ-LNCC Meeting on Computational Multi-Scale Modeling
of HeterogeneousSystems, Brazil 2000
- Jornadas de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional-JMAC V
(co-organizer), held at the Laboratório Nacional de
Computação Científica-LNCC, Brazil 2000
- Third Italian-Latinoamerican Conference on Applied and Industrial
Mathematics-ITLA, Brazil 1999
- Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied
Mathematics-ICIAM, Scotland 1999
- Jornadas de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional-JMAC I
(co-organizer), held at the Laboratório Nacional de
Computação Científica-LNCC, Brazil 1999
- XXX CILAMCE - Congresso Ibero-Latino_americano de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia, Búzios, Brazil 2009
- Finite element Circus held at the Pennsylvania State University,
USA 1999
- With Gilberto Corrêa and Marlon López (speaker), Posicionamento aproximado do estado final para sistemas Descritos pela equação do calor, at XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, Campina Grande, Brazil 2012.
- With Leopoldo P. Franca and Frédéric Valentin
(speaker), A New Enriched Finite Element Method , at the WONAPDE;
Universidade de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile; 14-01-2004; 18-01-2004.
- With Frédéric Valentin (speaker), ENUMATH, Italy
- With Stephen M. Alessandrini, Douglas N. Arnold (speaker), and
Richard S. Falk, International Conference on Shells, Spain, 1997
- With Stephen M. Alessandrini, Douglas N. Arnold (speaker), and
Richard S. Falk, Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Seminar on Plates
and Shells: From Mathematical Models to Engineering Practice, Quebec
- With Leopoldo P. Franca e Sérgio L. Frey, Second European
Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 1994
- Instituto de Ciências Exatas/Volta Redonda, Brazil 2023
- VI Encontro Acadêmico PPG-CCOMP UERJ, Brazil 2023
- SEM.EDP E MAT. APLICADA (UFF, UFRJ, UEM, LNCC, UNMSM (Perú), UBI (Portugal)), 2021 (poster, video)
- Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica-LNCC, Brazil 2020 (video)
- Department of Mathematics, UFPA-PA, Brazil 2020 (video)
- Department of Mathematics, UFSC-SC, Brazil 2020 (video)
- Department of Applied Mathematics, FGV-RJ, Brazil 2017
- Department of Mathematics, PUC-RJ, Brazil 2017
- Department of Mathematics, PennState University, US 2016
- Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, US 2016
- Center for Computation & Technology, Louisiana State University, US 2016
- Division of Applies Mathematics at Brown University, US 2014
- Colloquium at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil 2013
- Primeira Agenda Acadêmica do ICEX - UFF/Volta Redonda, Brazil 2012
- Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil 2011
- Primeira Agenda Acadêmica do ICEX - UFF/Volta Redonda, Brazil 2010
- IX Semana do IME - UERJ 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2010
- Semana de Exatas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil 2008
- Laboratório Nacional de Computação
Científica-LNCC, Brazil 2003
- Colorado State University, USA 2002
- Pennsylvania State University, USA 2002
- University of Colorado at Denver, USA 2002
- Universidad de Concepción, Chile 2001
- Istituto di Analisi Numerica-IAN, of the Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche-CNR, Italy 2001
- Departamento de Matemática Aplicada da UNICAMP, Brazil 2001
- Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada-IMPA,
Brazil 2001
- Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy 2000
- Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy 2000
- Istituto di Analisi Numerica-IAN, of the Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche-CNR, Italy 2000
- Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica-LNCC, Brazil 1999
- Pennsylvania State University, USA 1993
Joel C. Rabelo, Yuri Saporito, Antonio Leitão, Alexandre L. Madureira, On projective stochastic-gradient type methods for solving large scale systems of nonlinear ill-posed equations: Applications to machine learning, accepted for publication at Inverse Problems.
Alexandre Madureira, Marcus Sarkis, Spectral ACMS: A robust localized Approximated Component Mode Synthesis Method, accepted for publication at the SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis.
- Ana Carolina Carius Oliveira, Alexandre L. Madureira, New models for heterogeneous
plates, Proceedings of the XXX Iberian-Latin-American Congress on
Computational Methods in Engineering, Brazil (2009)
- Leopoldo P. Franca, Alexandre L. Madureira, Frédéric
Valentin, A Multiscale Finite Element
Method, ECCOMAS; Finlândia; Proceedings of the ECCOMAS 2004,
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and
- Stephen M. Alessandrini, Douglas N. Arnold, Richard S.
Falk, Alexandre L. Madureira,
Dimensional reduction for plates based on mixed variational principles
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Shells, Spain, (M.
Bernardou, P.G. Ciarlet, J.M. Viaño, eds.), (1997)
- Leopoldo P. Franca, Sérgio L. Frey, Alexandre L.
Madureira, Two- and three-dimensional simulations of incompressible
Navier--Stokes equations based on stabilized methods, pp. 121-128
in Computational Fluid Dynamics 94, Proceedings of the Second European
Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, (S. Wagner, E.H. Hirschel, J.
Périaux, R. Piva, eds.), John Wiley and Sons, Stuttgart,
Germany, (1994)
- Member of the local committee of the Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (CNMAC), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
- Co-organizer of workshop Métodos de
Galerkin Descontínuos e Métodos de Elementos Finitos
Multiescalas - Teoria e Aplicações, Florianópolis,
UFSC, Brazil 2006
- Co-organizer of the PreCILAMCE Workshop: Stabilized and
Multiscale Finite Element Methods, LNCC 2005
- Co-Organizer of the 1st LNCC Meeting on Computational
Modelling, held at the Laboratório Nacional de
Computação Científica-LNCC 2004
- Co-Organizer, with Frédéric Valentin of the seminars at the
Laboratório Nacional de Computação
Científica-LNCC , 1999-2002
- Click here
for further details.
- Conferences
- Head of the scientific committee of the CMAC-SE, a SBMAC meeting on computational and applied mathematics (2015).
- Member of the scientific committee for the Brazilian meeting ENAMA, on mathematical analysis and its aplications (2014- ).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Congresso Nacional de
Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil
- Editorial services
- Main Editor of the CNMAC Proceedings. The CNMAC is the main Brazilian meeting on computational and applied mathematics, and it is sponsored by the Brazilian Society for Computational and Applied Mathematics - SBMAC (2009-2012). Associate Editor for the same meeting (2018).
- Services at LNCC
- Two hiring committees in 2024
- Chair of the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics (2003-2004, July-August 2007, 2009-2011, December 2016-February 2017).
- Vice-chair of the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics (2007-2009).
- Head of the Library's Comittee (2009-2017)
- Member of the scientific advisory board-CTC (2022-)
- External Comittees
- FAPEMIG, to evaluate proposals for the "Edital Programa Pesquisador Mineiro" (2007)
- Hiring Committee for the Brazilian universities UFABC (2008, 2009), UFF (2009), UFPR (2010, 2012), UFRJ (2008, 2011, 2014, 2018, 2022), UFSC (2012), UFRRJ (2004, 2005), and UNESP (2022)
- Promotion Committee for the Brazilian universities UFMG (2019), UNICAMP (2019, 2022), UFRGS (2019), UFMG (2025)
- Federal Government (CAPES) committee evaluating all Brazilian graduate courses in mathematics (2022)
- Federal Government (CAPES) committee evaluating mathematical journals (QUALIS) (2022)
- Project Evaluation for PUC Minas
- Referee
- Reviewer for a DSc thesis at the Mathematics Department at the University of Pavia
- Ad-Hoc reviewer for CAPES, CNPq, FAPESB, FAPESP, SciELO, UERJ, UFF and UFRN