CV of Alexandre L. Madureira

 Brief Summary: I'm a senior researcher at Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica-LNCC, a research lab in Brazil. I also work at the Escola Brasileira de Economia e Finanças-EPGE at Fundação Getúlio Vargas-FGV, the top Brazilian think tank. I recently took part in the ICERM two month program Numerical PDEs: Analysis, Algorithms, and Data Challenges (thanks, NSF). I also spent a Sabbatical year at The Division of Applied Mathematics, at Brown University, during the academic year 2015-2016.

I served as the head of the scientific committee of the CMAC-SE (2015), and I'm a member of the scientific committee of the ENAMA - both are important Brazilian meetings on pure and applied mathematics. Since 2012 I am serving at the editorial board of the International Journal of Computer Mathematics, and also at TEMA - Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, a journal of main Brazilian society in applied mathematics - SBMAC. I was editor (Chief Editor 2015-2019; Associate Editor 2013-2015) for the Notas em Matemática Aplicada, a book series published by the SBMAC. In 2010 and 2012 I was the main editor of the proceedings of the CNMAC, the main Brazilian meeting in computational and applied mathematics. Such meeting gather around 600 people from all over the country, and around 500 papers are submitted for publication in a single year.

I was a "Pesquisador do CNPq" (2005-2017, 2019-2021). In 2009 I received a prestigious three year FAPERJ grant "Rio de Janeiro young researcher," and I take the opportunity to acknowledge the long term support from the funding agencies CNPq and FAPERJ.

In 2008 I took part in the New Directions ShortCourse: Mathematical Neuroscience, sponsored by the IMA, which I gratefully acknowledge.

 I was quite happy to be invited to deliver short courses at two important Brazilian conferences, the ENAMA II - National Conference on mathematical Analysis and Applications (2008), and the 62o. SBA - Seminário brasileiro de Análise (2005). In both I talked about numerical discretization for multiscale problems. I thank the organizers for the kind invitations. In 2004 I was also invited to become a reviewer for the Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society-AMS. I was very pleased that I received an award from Elsevier-SIAM to attend the 50th SIAM Anniversary and Annual Meeting in 2002. This grant has been awarded to only five people within the "outreach" countries.

I completed my Ph.D.  at the PennState University, Department of Mathematics.  During my Ph.D., I worked under the supervision of Douglas Arnold, in the analysis of dimension reduction techniques. Then I took a NSF-Postdoc position at the Mathematical Science Research Institute-MSRI, where I took part at the workshop Elastic Shells: Modeling, Analysis and Numerics. That was just before I held another postdoc position at LNCC. In 2002 I was offered a permanent position.

From 2009-2017, I was the head of the LNCC Library's Comittee. I also served two, nonconsecutive, two year terms as the chair of the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics, (2003-2004 and 2009-2011). I was the vice-chair from 2007-2009.

From 1999-2001, Frédéric Valentin and I took care of the Applied Mathematics Department homepage at LNCC. We also managed the seminars of the institute up to 2002.

You can also browse my Lattes CV (in Portuguese).




Work Experience:

Visiting Positions:

Awards, Grants, Fellowships and Scholarships:

Invited Conference Talks:

Contributed Conference Talks:

Joint Work at Conferences:

Academic Talks: (invited)


Lecture Notes, Books and Chapters in Books:

Conferences Organization:

Professional Societies Membership:

Service Activities: