of Publications
Paulo Esquef
modified: November 3rd,
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- |P.
A. A. Esquef, Model-Based
Analysis of Noisy Musical Recordings with Application to
Audio Restoration, D.Sc.
Thesis, Helsinki
University of
Technology (now Aalto University), Laboratory
of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing,
Espoo, Finland,
Apr. 2004.
- |P.
A. A. Esquef, Restauração
de Sinais de Áudio Degradados por Ruído Impulsivo, Master's Thesis,
Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil,
109 pages,
Mar. 1999. (in Portuguese)
Book Chapters
A. A. Esquef,
Restoration", In D. Havelock et
al. (Eds), Handbook
of Signal Processing in Acoustics.
Part VI Audio Engineering,
Chapter 40, pp. 773-784, Springer New York, 2008.
A. A. Esquef and
W. P. Biscainho,
Techniques for Sound Enhancement of Old
In Hector Meana
(Ed.), Advances in Audio
and Speech Signal
Processing: Technologies and Applications. Chapter 4, IGI Global, pp.
2007. Disclaimer:
As the copyright owner of the material, IGI Global republished in 2009
this very chapter in another book (DOI:
10.4018/978-1-59904-984-7.ch016), without even notifying the authors.
I, Paulo Esquef, do disagree with and condemn the republication of the
A. A. Esquef and
W. P. Biscainho,
Analysis and Synthesis of Audio
In Hector Meana
(Ed.), Advances in Audio and
Speech Signal
Processing: Technologies and Applications. Chapter 3, IGI Global, pp.
Journal Papers
G. S. Carnivali, A. B. Vieira, A. Ziviani, and P. A. A. Esquef. "CoVeC: Coarse-grained vertex clustering for efficient community detection in sparse complex networks", in Information Sciences, v. 522, pp. 180-192, June 2020.
M. B. Martins, R. T. de B. Vasconcellos, P. A. A. Esquef, "Models for Synchrophasor with Step Discontinuities in Magnitude and Phase: Estimation and Performance", in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 68, issue 6, pp. 2007-2014, June 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2019.2893716
J. K. Moqadam, G. S. Welter, and P. A. A. Esquef, "Multifractality in fidelity sequences of optimized Toffoli gates", in Quantum Information Processing, July 2016. Post-print version.
|P. A. A. Esquef, J. A. Apolinário, Jr., and L. W. P. Biscainho, "Edit Detection in Speech Recordings via Instantaneous Electric Network Frequency Variations", in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 2314-2326, December 2014. Companion webpage with demonstration scripts and data:
|G. S. Welter and P. A. A. Esquef, "Multifractal Analysis Based on Amplitude Extrema of Intrinsic Mode Functions," in Physical Review E, vol. 87, issue 3, pp. 032916-1 - 032916-8, March, 2013. Matlab scripts available here.
- |B.
C. Bispo, P. A. A. Esquef,
L.W. P. Biscainho,
A. de Lima, F. P. Freeland, R. A. de Jesus, A. Said, B. Lee, R. W.
Schafer, and T. Kalker, "EW-PESQ: A
Quality Assessment Method for
Speech Signals Sampled at 48 kHz," in
the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
vol 58, no. 4, pp. 251 - 268,
April 2010.
- |
R. Milovanov, P. Pietilä, M.
Tervaniemi, and P.
A. A. Esquef, "Foreign
Language Pronunciation Skills
and Musical Aptitude: A Study of Finnish Adults with Higher Education", in Learning and Individual Differences,
vol. 20, issue 1, pp. 56-60, February 2010.
- |L. O. Nunes, P. A. A. Esquef, and L. W. P. Biscainho,
a Flexible Sinusoidal Modeling System", Engineering Report in the Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society, vol 57, no. 12, pp. 1042 - 1056,
December 2009.
|R. Milovanov, M.
Huotilainen, P.
A. A. Esquef, P. Alku, V.
Välimäki, and M.
Tervaniemi, ''The
role of musical aptitude and language skills in preattentive duration
processing in school-aged children," Neuroscience Letters, vol. 460,
Issue 2, pp. 161-165, August 2009.
|R. Milovanov, M.
Huotilainen, V.
Välimäki, P.
A. A. Esquef, and M.
Tervaniemi, ''Musical
aptitude and second language pronunciation
skills in school-aged children: neural and behavioral evidence,'' Brain Research, vol.
1194, no. 15, pp. 81-89, February
A. A. Esquef
and L.
W. P. Biscainho,
Efficient Model-Based Method for Reconstruction of Audio Signals across
Gaps", IEEE
Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.
14, no.
4, pp. 1391-1400, July 2006.
A. A. Esquef, M. Karjalainen,
and V.
"Frequency-Zooming ARMA Modeling for Analysis
Noisy String Instrument
on Applied Signal Processing
- Special
Issue on Digital Audio for Media Communications,
2003, no. 10, pp. 953-967, September 2003.
- |P.
A. A. Esquef, L. W. P.
and V.
Algorithm for the Restoration of Audio Signals Corrupted with
Low-Frequency Pulses", Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society, vol.
no. 6, pp. 502-517, June 2003.
- |M. Karjalainen, P.
A. A. Esquef, P. Antsalo,
A. Mäkivirta,
and V. Välimäki,
ARMA Modeling of Resonant and Reverberant
Systems,'' Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society,
vol. 50, no. 12, pp.
1012-1029, December 2002.
- |P.
A. A. Esquef, V.
and M. Karjalainen,
"Restoration and enhancement of solo guitar
based on sound source modeling," Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society,
vol. 50, no. 4, pp.
227-236, April
2002. (Version with enhanced equation fonts) Companion webpage with data.
Conference Papers
M. B. Martins, P. A. A. Esquef, R. T. de B. Vasconcellos, "Enhanced Step Location in the Magnitude and Phase of an AC Signal via Polynomial Approximation Total Variation (PATV) Filtering", in Proc. 2023 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS), Bern, Switzerland, September 27-29, 2023. Companion Webpage.
M. B. Martins, R. T. de B. Vasconcellos, P. A. A. Esquef, "Step Change Detection Based on Analytic Signal for PMU Calibrators", in Proc. 10th IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS), Aachen, Germany, September 25-27, 2019.
|P. A. A. Esquef, J. A. Apolinário, Jr., and L. W. P. Biscainho, "Improved Edit Detection in Speech via ENF Patterns", in Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), Rome, November 16-19, 2015, PID-3. Companion webpage with demos, databases & codes.
- |P. A. A. Esquef and G. S. Welter, "Audio De-Thumping Using Huang's Empirical Mode Decomposition", in Proc. of the 14th
Conference on Digital Audio Effects, pp. 401-408, Paris, France, September 19-23, 2011.
- |L.
O. Nunes, L.
W. P. Biscainho, and P.
A. A. Esquef,
Database of Partial Tracks for Evaluation of Sinusoidal
Models,” in
the online Proc. of the 13th
Conference on Digital Audio Effects
(Young Research and Student Forum), Austria, September, 2010.
|P. A. A. Esquef, L. W. P. Biscainho, L. O. Nunes, B. Lee, A. Said, A. Kalker, and R. W. Schafer, "Quality Assessment of Audio: Increasing Applicability Scope of Objective Methods via Prior Identification of Impairment Types," in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, PID-148, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 5-7, 2009.
|L. W. P. Biscainho, P. A. A. Esquef, F. P. Freeland, L. O. Nunes, A. F. Tygel, B. Lee, A. Said, T. Kalker, and R. W. Schafer, "An Objective Method for Quality Assessment of Ultra-Wideband Speech Corrupted by Echo," in the Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, PID-149, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 5-7, 2009. Recipient of the Top 10% Paper Award.
- |A.
A. de Lima, F. P. Freeland, P.
A. A. Esquef, L. W.
P. Biscainho,
B. C. Bispo, R. A. de Jesus, S. L. Netto, R. W. Schafer, A. Said, B.
Lee, and A. Kalker, "Reverberation
Assessment in Audioband Speech
Signals for Telepresence Systems," in Proc.
International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia
pp. 257-262, Porto, Portugal, July 26-29,
- |L.
O. Nunes, P.
A. A. Esquef, L. W.
P. Biscainho,
and R. Merched, "Partial
Tracking in Sinusoidal Modeling: An Adaptive Prediction-Based RLS
Lattice Solution," in Proc. International
on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications,
84-91, Porto, Portugal, July 26-29, 2008.
- |M. Karjalainen, J. Pakarinen, C. Erkut, P.
A. A. Esquef, and V. Välimäki,
"Recent Advances in Physical Modeling with K-
and W-Techniques,"
in Proc.
7th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx'04),
pp. 107-112, Naples, Italy, October 5-8, 2004.
- |K. Roth, I. Kauppinen, P.
A. A. Esquef,
and V.
"Frequency Warped Burg's Method for
in Proc.
2003 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal
Processing to Audio and
pp. 05-08, New Paltz,
NY, USA, October
- |P.
A. A. Esquef,
Välimäki, K. Roth,
and I. Kauppinen,
"Interpolation of Long Gaps in Audio Signals
the Warped Burg's Method",
Int. Conf. Digital Audio Effects
pp. 18-23
London, UK, September
8-11, 2003.
- |M. Karjalainen, P.
A. A. Esquef,
and V.
"Making of a Computer Carillon",
in Proc.
Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference
(SMAC 03),
pp. 339-342, Stockholm,
Sweden, August 6-9, 2003.
- |M. Karjalainen, V. Välimäki,
and P.
A. A. Esquef,
Modeling and Synthesis of Bell-Like Sounds,''
in Proc. 5th
International Conference on Digital Audio
(DAFx-02), pp.
181-186, Hamburg,
September 26-28, 2002.
A. A. Esquef, M. Karjalainen,
and V. Välimäki,
"Detection of Clicks in Audio Signals Using
Linear Prediction",
in Proc. 14th
IEEE Int. Conf. on Digital
Signal Processing (DSP2002),
vol. 2, pp. 1085-1088, Santorini,
Greece, July 01-03, 2002.
- |P.
A. A. Esquef,
W. P. Biscainho, V. Välimäki,
and M.
"Removal of Long Pulses from Audio Signals Using Two-pass Split Window Filtering",
presented at the 112th AES Convention, preprint no. 5535, Munich,
Germany, May
10-13, 2002. Companion webpage with data and demos.
- |M.
Karjalainen, P.
A. A. Esquef, P. Antsalo,
A. Mäkivirta,
and V. Välimäki,
and Modeling of Modes in Resonant and Reverberant Systems", presented
at the 112th AES Convention, preprint no. 5590, Munich, Germany, May
- |P.
A. A. Esquef, V. Välimäki,
and M.
and enhancement of instrumental recordings based on sound source modeling,"
presented at the AES 110th Convention,
preprint 5331, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 12-15, 2001. Companion webpage.
|L. W. P.
Biscainho, P. S. R. Diniz, and P.
A. A. Esquef,
in sub-bands with application to audio restoration,"
in Proc.
2001 IEEE Int. Symp.
Circ. and Syst. (ISCAS'01), vol.
2, pp. 157-160,
Sydney, Australia, May 6-9, 2001.
|L. W. P. Biscainho, P. S. R. Diniz, and P.
A. A. Esquef,
for an ARMA Process Split in Subbands,''
in Proc. Int. Symp. Circ. and
Syst. (ISCAS'00), Geneve,
Switzerland, vol. III, pp. 97-100, 2000.
- |P.
A. A. Esquef, L.
W. P. Biscainho, P. S. R. Diniz, and F. P. Freeland, "A
Approach to Impulsive Noise Detection
in Audio Signals,"
in Proc. X European Signal
Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO 2000),
pp. 2041-2044, Tampere, Finland,
- |L. W. P. Biscainho,
F. P.
Freeland, P.
A. A. Esquef,
and P. S. R. Diniz, "Wavelet
Shrinkage De-noising Applied to Real Audio Signals under
Perceptual Evaluation," in Proc.
X European Signal
Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO 2000),
pp. 2061-2064, Tampere, Finland,
National Conference Papers and Technical Reports
- |Gustavo S. Carnivali, Alex B. Vieira, Paulo A. A. Esquef, e Artur Ziviani, "Método Rápido de Agrupamento de Vértices para Detecção de Comunidades em Redes Complexas de Larga-escala", in Proc. 17th Workshop on Performance of Computation and Communication Systems (WPerformance), CSBC 2018, pp. 260-273, Natal-RN, 22-26 de July, 2018. Honorable Mention. Webpage with codes and links to databases (in Portuguese).
- |G. S. Welter, P. A. A. Esquef,
L. G. N. Martins, O. C. Acevedo, and G. A. Degrazia, "Correlações
no Domínio Tempo-frequência", in Revista
Ciência e Natura - Micrometeorologia, Edição Suplementar, vol. 33, no. 1, pp.
103-106, November 2011. (in
- J. C. P. Filho, P.
A. A. Esquef,
and L.
P. Biscainho,
Automática de Sons de Instrumentos Musicais Usando
Discriminantes Lineares”,
in Proc. 6th
AES-Brazil Conference,
São Paulo,
Brazil, May 2008 (in Portuguese).
- |L.
O. Nunes, P.
A. A. Esquef, and L. W.
P. Biscainho,
of Threshold-Based Algorithms for Detection of Spectral Peaks in Audio,”
in Proc. 5th
AES-Brazil Conference,
pp. 66-73, São Paulo, Brazil, May
- |P. A. A. Esquef, R. Caetano, “ROCC - A Webcam-Mouse for People with Disabilities,” in Proc. XXV Brazilian Telecommunications Symposium, Recife, Brazil, September 2007.
- |P.
A. A. Esquef,
de Sinais de
Usando Polinômios do Par de Linhas Espectrais”,
in Proc 2nd AES-Brazil Conference,
São Paulo, Brazil, June
2004 (in Portuguese).
- |P.
A. A. Esquef,
"Interpolation of Long
in Audio Signals Using Line Spectrum Pair Polynomials" Tech. Report 72,
and Audio Signal Processing, Helsinki
University of
Espoo, Finland,
February 2004.
- |P.
A. A. Esquef and V. Välimäki,
an Efficient Inharmonic Digital Waveguide Filter for Synthesis of
Hand-Bell Sounds,"
in Proc. 2003
Finnish Signal Processing Symp.
pp. 49-53, Tampere, Finland, May 19, 2003.
- |P.
A. A. Esquef, V. Välimäki,
and M. Karjalainen,
using sound source modeling,"
in Proc. 2001
Finnish Signal Processing Symp.
pp. 47-50, Espoo,
Finland, June 5, 2001.
- |L. W. P. Biscainho,
P. S. R. Diniz, and P.
A. A. Esquef,
do Modelo para um Processo ARMA Dividido em Sub-bandas,"
in Proc 13th Brazilian
Conf. on Automatics
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil,
580-585, 2000. (in
- |P.
A. A. Esquef, L. W. P. Biscainho,
and P. S. R. Diniz,
de Pulsos Longos em Sinais de Áudio,"
in Proc. XVII
Brazilian Symp. on
Telecommunications (SBrT), Vila Velha,
pp. 191-196, 1999. (in Portuguese)
- |L.
P. Biscainho, P. S. R. Diniz, and P.
A. A. Esquef,
da Detecção de Distúrbios Impulsivos
em Sinais de
Áudio Usando Técnicas
Baseadas em Limiar," in Proc. XVII
Brazilian Symp. on
Telecommunications (SBrT), Vila Velha,
pp. 185-190, 1999. (in
- |P.
A. A. Esquef, and
A. C. M.
de Queiroz, “Implementação
em DSP de um Sistema
para Análises LOFAR e DEMON”, in Proc. IV
Technology Meeting on Submarine Acoustics, Rio de Janeiro,
1999 (in Portuguese).
Author: Paulo